About High Caliber Nubs

High Caliber Nubs is a brand born from a passion for cigars and a love for creative expression. We specialize in crafting unique cigar-inspired art and accessories that blend functionality with style. Whether you're a cigar enthusiast, collector, or someone who appreciates finely crafted designs, High Caliber Nubs offers a range of products that elevate the cigar experience.

As a law enforcement-owned business, we take pride in the discipline, dedication, and craftsmanship that go into every piece we create. Inspired by the tradition and precision of police brass, our designs are built to honor the legacy of service while celebrating the art of cigars.

With a focus on quality, detail, and innovation, we aim to bring a fresh perspective to the cigar lifestyle. Each piece we create is more than an accessory—it's a statement of sophistication, individuality, and heritage.

At High Caliber Nubs, we believe in celebrating the timeless tradition of cigars through art that inspires and accessories that enhance. Join us on this journey as we redefine what it means to enjoy the finer things in life.